Friday 20 September 2024

September 2024 - It has been some time!

As the title of the entry confirms, it has been some time since I made an entry in my blog! In fact almost eleven months which is unusual for me but on the other hand, not much to write about to warrant a frequent entry, so here we are! 

So what has been going on in KD’s life, well simply not much with only three outings during that time! I manage to get out just before Christmas last year, met Carole for a pleasant evening which included a nice meal in Browns, Manchester City Centre, before we headed to the Village for some festive activities. It was an enjoyable evening but not realising it would be my last one for seven months, which was not expected.

Due to a number of personal (health) issues and a long with a change of circumstances for a member of my family, my opportunities to get out was almost nil as no chance of getting ready at home, let alone attempting to get back into the house too. However, the situation was I thought a ‘temporary’ period before things would change again but as time went on, it was not going to be. Now I realised that getting ready at home is now almost impossible for the foreseeable future, so my only chance now is to pre book a hotel room for an evening out but that involves a cost, so it cannot be too often sadly. 

I mention ‘health’ issues, were I had monthly hospital appointments and that was not including two visits to A&E too. Currently I have two issues, one is more restrictive than the other but that should be solved with a simple operation in the next six months hopefully. My other issue is more long term but currently manageable with the aid of medication and restricting what food I am able to consume. My ‘meals’ are now really interesting (not)! Certainly, getting older is not getting any easier, safely suggesting the continued good days are in the past! Moral of the story, make the most of the good days in the future, as they will be intermixed with in between and bad days.

So returning to KD matters, in the light of change of circumstances, I have made a more conscious effort to downsize my wardrobe which so far has been reduced by about 40% thankfully. I still have about another 10% / 20% to dispose one way or another. On the positive side, my wardrobe is now in ‘our’ bedroom instead of being in another room therefore creating more space. My outfits now consist of more dresses with a selection of leather / faux leather skirts mixed with tops which will do for the amount of outings I may have but still gives me a choice to wear. However, there has been an unexpected turn about disposing of some of my clothes! Over the last 12 months, my lovely wife M.R. has been on a diet with the intention of improving her life style and health, were she is now a Size 16 and looks better for it too! Just by co-incidence, I'm size 16 too!  The consequence of this that a handful of my dresses and some tops have now been transferred to M.R. as she liked them! M.R. has now worn some of them, which is amusing on my part, that my wife is now wearing some of my clothes knowing I have already worn them!  :-)))) 

As for contact with other girls, it currently remains at just the two being Carole and Christine with a couple of others in the background. As for any other 'friends', in some instances, their choice for no contact but not my problem though, with other girls they are I’m afraid just history. I am still look in on a couple of forums but making contact with anyone on them, is either a waste of time or just too much hard work. However, the forums have their uses for some useful information about venues and future events. 

Mentioning events, my first outing of the year was the Friday evening of the Sparkle weekend in July. This was unexpected and until three days before hand, there was no chance of going. However, with a little change of home circumstances it became apparent I may be able to get out on the Friday with Carole providing I could find a hotel room for the night! Mission impossible being Sparkle weekend but much to my surprise, found one at a very reasonable price at the Pendulum, it must of been a cancelation or something but it was mine! Arrangements were made and a meal booked at Browns in the City Centre too. Anyway, it was nice to get out finally and an enjoyable fun evening was had with Carole! I have always thought that the Friday evening at Sparkle is the best night to be there, it remains so and also nice to catch up with Carole again, as well as meeting other girls too. Eventually got back to the Hotel room at 2am which hit me later in the day being still tired. Just proved to me, I could not do two night / weekend at Sparkle, just too much. Regardless, it had been far too long since I had been out but when would be the next outing though?

As for my next and second outing of the year was just two days ago when another unexpected but last minute opportunity arrived as at 5.30pm, a family member would not be at home until the next day and with M.R.’s blessing I made the decision to go to the Village as I knew there were some girls going who I could meet up with. Finally, got ready (leather skirt / leopard print top) and departed for the Village at 8pm which was quick for me and finally arrived at the Iconic Bar at 9pm were the girls were located. Unusually most of Canal Street was blocked off with some venues unaccessible such as Via due to some ‘filming’ taking place! No one had any idea what the filming was about but the area was simply closed to outsiders! Anyway an enjoyable evening was had, nice to see some of the girls too, as well as a couple (TGirl Stephanie, and wife Deanna) and a friend from the West Country who especially visited the Village for two nights. It was my pleasure chatting with these people, especially as it was only the second time that Stephanie had been out with full support of the wife. To be honest for a number of reasons, Deanna is one hell of a lady in the nicest way possible, she is just a remarkable person and sincerely hope we meet again, as it would be my pleasure to do so. Yes, we exchanged contact details so who knows but fingers cross. Anyway, it was great to be out again and eventually arrived home at 2am. 

My thoughts are now on my next outing which provisionally booked for Wednesday, 16th October with hotel room booked in Manchester and finally meeting Christine as Christine. Hopefully all comes together, so fingers cross but something to look forward too which I have not had that feeling for some time. 

Well, that brings thing up to date on my blog but to be honest, will this be my final entry after nearly twenty years as I cannot imagine I have much to write about in the future? One way or another, my entries to this blog are definitely now on borrowed time. In the meantime, just in case anyone still reading my entries, thank you for sticking with me and I wish you sincere good wishes for the future.  

Tuesday 31 October 2023

October 2023 - Time for an update.

Almost four months since my last entry, I suppose this sums up my present life, KD only is a small part of these days as I get distracted by other but good things in my life. It is strange how life changes more than you imagined once you retire, you sort of live for the moment and hopefully you are able to reach certain goals for the future.  

As mentioned in my last entry, I never attended the annual ‘Sparkle’ weekend in July and since then I have at least manage to get out on three occasions, twice in August and at beginning of this month which has been something all to different locations too. Yes, first one Village, Manchester to meet Carole and the usual enjoyable evening had with for a change a nice meal in Velvet too. We felt sorry for the the young girl waitress serving us as she seem to be on her own and serving the few people there. However, she was superb and a credit to Velvet too. The second outing was an unexpected meeting with Angela in Knutsford, who I have not seen or heard from for some time. Another enjoyable evening and playing catch up too but sadly it will be some time before I see her again as now gone to ‘Down Under’ for work purposes, a shame as we do get on well with each other. The third outing was to the October Leeds First Friday event including an overnight stay with Carole which was at the usual Travel Lodge. It was good enjoyable occasion including a nice meal and service at the nearby Italian Restaurant, Viva. It was unusual seeing the Cosmopolitan Hotel being closed as that was the usual early and late evening meeting point for most girls who attend the monthly event. Consequently, meeting points seem too be elsewhere including the Viaduct but although we had a good enjoyable evening, I had the impression and observation, not as many girls out and about as previous, certainly once midnight arrived, as if the whole area was taking over by students! No bad thing and they were there to enjoy themselves too along getting some compliments thrown at us too. Yes, we will go again, sometime next year but LFF not the same without the Cosmopolitan as that was centre of the events. 

Since LFF, I have not manage to get out again, although still trying to meet Christine from Southport but it is an ongoing saga to say the least but we will get there eventually. Certainly hope to meet sometime in November along a couple more outings before Christmas. Fingers Cross.

I must admit, my ‘online’ activities are getting less too especially attempting to communicate with other girls, it seems to be a waste of time, not helped that some seem to insist you must communicate via ‘xyz’ social media. Clearly some girls have lost the ability of proper communication which is usually telephone (voice), e/mail too and eventually meeting face to face. Well if you really wish to get wrapped up in Whats App, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc then you are welcome to it but I do find it very sad that your lives are based on those Apps, but yes it is a changing world for sure but for the better, sadly no. And before anyone asks, no I am not a dinosaur either but I just prefer traditional ‘real’ communication. One thing I cannot figure out though, some girls use the media mentioned yet they are attempting to keep themselves secret from family and friends, yet they use some of those Apps were you got more chance of being outed! How strange! 

One thing I have realised, due to Covid and other things my friend base has completely changed, so much so that any friends I had from 3/ 4 years ago (and before), have all disappeared for many reasons. A question I do ask, did I really have ‘good’ friends to begin with and the answer would be I suppose is no, the best way to put it, they were just ‘passing’ friends during different stages of KD’s life (so far). So it was nice to know them but good luck to them for the future, we move on!    

Friday 7 July 2023

July 2023 - It has been a while - Part Two.

Well I had every intention in writing this entry not long after the previous one which was April but certainly not expect it would be almost three months, now being July! 

So I commence writing this on ‘Sparkle’ Friday were usually I am in attendance, sadly this year, events have conspired against me which makes it almost impossible to attend. However, had I gone it would of been just for the Friday rather than the whole weekend as I am not sure I could take a whole weekend again. Anyway, it don’t matter, I am at home but hopefully everyone has a good time who are going.

So what has happened since I wrote my last entry? Basically nothing as far as outings were concerned, there have been none which was not been the plan! Unfortunately for me, I had injured my calf in mid April and the hospital suggested it would 8 to 10 weeks recovery period! Well they were not far out and it is only just now I am more or less recovered. In that period getting out about has been not easy at times but one thing for sure, no chance of wearing any heels! During that period I also picked up a (non covid) virus which affected me for about six  weeks too, this included a irritating cough which would just not go away! I’m fine now thankfully.

With the issues above, any outings planned especially the Burlesque evening in May went out of the window which I was looking forward too but at least I gave my friend Carole notice that it was not going to happen. Carole consequently rearranged to go with another friend, but hey presto, her friend let her down at the last moment which was a little lousy to say the least. Fortunately, had enough time to cancel the hotel booking but no refund on the Burlesque tickets sadly. I had made a couple of temporary plans to get out with a couple of friends but with my calf injury not recovering not as far as I hoped, they have put on hold. It is only now, that I am able to think about getting out again. So fingers cross.

In April, I found out by almost default that one of my long time friends, Kate Kat (Collins) had sadly passed away too. Although I had not seen her for about 5 years for numerous reasons, I was certainly not aware all was not well. Other friends who knew her did not even tell me what was wrong with her other than on a couple of brief online occasions that Kate was under the weather with no indication it was a little serious. When I did found out after her passing, I was a little shocked to say the least and she never deserved that for sure. My heartfelt condolences to Shirley and family but sadly I am unable to pass them on personally as I do not have any details nor am I am able to receive them. However, I understand they have been passed on. 

Kate was a good person at heart, was always trying to help other girls and what a lot of girls do not realised, it was me who got her out in the big wide world back in 2007 and became good friends for 10 years were we then unintentionally drifted apart due to Kate being a fan of Facebook but I was not for communicating purposes. We had many good times though were we had many group evening outings mainly in and around the Village and the way Kate progress over the years was a transformation in itself. Likewise, again numerous girls did not realised either, although Kate had the initial idea of ‘Manchester Minx’ (MM),  Kate and I got it off the ground as a joint effort which included me doing a lot of the background work including the building of a website for that purpose which initially was successful. However, the use of  ‘Facebook’ became more prominent, so the MM website became defunct. With Kate no longer around sadly, I am not sure whether any form of Manchester Minx will continue as will someone else take on the mantle? Only time will tell. Anyway, farewell Kate, we had some good times, a pleasure to know you and no doubt you will be getting things off the ground in the ‘Angels’ heaven. 

Anything else? Still selling clothes on Ebay occasionally but certainly by Autumn, there will be another sort out to reduce the size of my wardrobe. Just keep what I really need. However, still purchase the occasional item, a new blue dress for summer and a couple of vintage skirts which are part of my ‘mature’ look for the future. So that is it for now. 

Thursday 20 April 2023

April 2023 - It has been a while - Part One

It has been a few months since my last update, in fact it was last year, almost five months ago. Strangely it has not been done on purpose, just how life seems to be these days, that there are numerous things keeping me occupied and busy. Why? A simple one word - retirement! Yes, since finishing work over 15 months ago, bit by bit there has been a change of priorities regarding my life and being KD is further down that list than it has ever been. More of this later.

First, may I wish everyone a very belated happy new year and hopefully at least it has good so far, if not hopefully it improves soon. So I best to bring 2022 up to date and how the year ended. I manage to get out twice before the year was out, once in late November with my friend Carole, a nice meet and catch up, then again on the last Saturday before Christmas with Carla and friends as initially there was going to be about ten girls going but in the end just four! Does that sound familiar I wonder. We went to the Village and for Christmas Saturday, it was like a Friday evening during the year for the amount of people that were out. Regardless it was a good enjoyable night out and my thanks to Carla for the additional make-up touches too. So that was good end to the year and I was wondering what 2023 had in store for me. 

January came and went as far as girly things was concerned but did manage two outings in February, meeting Carole on both occasions for a cheap meal and good social evening, once again in the Village, Manchester. Both evenings enjoyable with also meeting other girls too. It seems Wednesday evening are becoming slowly more popular which is a good thing and hopefully it continues too. I did have ‘plans’ to get out again during March and during April, again meet up with Carole and also another girl but other things seem to get in the way. However, I did firm up arrangements to go out with Carole to a Burlesque evening at the Richmond Tea Rooms in May, as well as making plans to go to Leeds First Friday in October, so at least something to look forward too and I am too. However, making these arrangements as well as other proposed meets never seem to get off the ground with other girls, has got me thinking about my life in general and were really does KD fit into it? 

Well, this goes back what I mentioned at the beginning, there has been a change of priorities since retirement and the one thing it teaches you, live for the day and make the most of it too as you never know what may happen shortly. Now making the most of it for me, involves M.R. for obvious reasons as we have now been together for 50 years and we still love each other’s company, so that is priority number one. Likewise, there are other things in my ‘Bob’ life I enjoy and wish to do more of while I am able too, so it is now become trying to fit everything in too. Also, there has been a small change at home too and we now have another four legged animal to keep us occupied and that is very nice, especially we thought we would never get another one after he went to Rainbow Bridge 20 months ago. However, we both realised, now that we are getting into retirement, we were missing some thing in our lives and our new member of the family confirmed that! Added to this, after a visit to the Doctor, I was ‘invited’ take up a gym fitness regime which I accepted and is beginning to have a positive effect on my health. So this has got my thinking were does KD fit into this and simply she almost does not! Wow, I was never expecting to come to that conclusion! 

I have always mentioned in the past, once a TGirl always a TGirl, it never leaves you so best not to fight that part in your own mind, as you will just lose the battle in the end. As it seemed that I was beginning to let KD go, I began to think were does she fit in my retirement anyway. For a few weeks I have been wondering what to do or may be how to resolve the matter and cutting a long story short, I have concluded to go out as KD on special occasions only which means a handful of prearranged events per year and leave it at that. I realise, I am in no position these days to wait around or arrange hopeful meets with other girls as I really do have other things I wish to do therefore not wasting any more time in arranging possible girly meets then they don’t happen. Simply time is not on my side anymore. So this is were the Burlesque and LFF outings come into play, preplanned, arranged and something to look forward too with getting on with my life in the meantime. Yay, sorted! 

Well I have more to write but that will come in Part Two of this long entry, hopefully soon. 

Sunday 20 November 2022

November 2022 - It is all about ‘time’!

I have neglecting my blog over the last three months but may be finding time to write anything interesting is the main reason for doing so? Well I have now returned. 

So what has been going on then? Not much, well not as afar as ‘me’ is concerned but not written about my Sparkle weekend yet, sort of got over looked! As for outings, so far one at the end of September with Carole and all being well meeting her this coming week too, which I am looking forward too. Oh yes, I met Nikki (from N.I.) too, she was over here on business but due to timing I could only meet her in ‘bob’ mode but never the less, it was an enjoyable meet including meeting her Manager too with the meal paid by them which was much appreciated. Before anyone ask's, she has met me before in ‘bob’ mode and is the only person who has done so for a meet, it is an exception. All being well Nikki is visiting beginning of next year so at least one outing as ‘me’ should happen. 

As for ‘Sparkle’, a good weekend was had with Janine and Carole as we just chilled and enjoyed ourselves. It was Janine’s first Sparkle and I think her eyes were opened in what it was all about in which she seem to enjoy. Well she was the brunt of Carole and mine wind-ups with her but she took in good spirits. At a personal level, yes I enjoyed it but afterwards I realise a whole weekend was just too much, especially staying two nights were it took longer to recover. So I have decided that future Sparkle events will just consist at best one day / one night only which will be enough for me. 

Strangely having now retired I seem to find less opportunities in getting out as other things in my life seem to be jumping ahead of the queue, some of my choice though! Reaching retirement age, I sense my priorities have changed as the little grey cells at back of your brain begin to realise that you are well past the half way stage of your life! You then begin to think you need to make the most of your good health times while you are able too. It is like spreading a thin layer of butter over a slice of bread but realising you may not have enough to cover the whole piece so attempt to make it go as far as possible - that is how I see things. Consequently, ‘me’ moments are not the main priority anymore as I have spend enough time waiting for moments / arrangements to happen. Well no more I’m afraid, I have not got the time! So it is now a 100% definite arrangement for an outing or nothing.

With ‘life’ in mind, I have recently gone through all my KD related images and deleted over 1000 images from my records as not relevant. Some of these included images with or of friends, some of whom have received copies before deletion. I suppose in some ways, this explains why I have been reducing the size of my wardrobe too, don’t need the clothes, so sell on eBay and use the profits on ‘bob’ things and stuff to such a great effect too! This has meant even less possible ‘me’ time available with my new toys and things but best of all I am enjoying it too. Coming into the equation is also ‘health’ reasons as especially this year, hospital visits have been more than usual and doubt they will get less as we get older! However, health wise I am fine with one possible positive has been my ongoing dry cough issue I have regular been suffering over the last two / three years and finally it has solved. I now take another daily tablet to eliminate that issue and life is so much better now. However, on the down side, my hearing is now suffering but at least I am able to solve that issue in due course with the assistance of the NHS. 

Ah the question raises with all of the above, does this mean no more ‘me’ in the future and straight answer to that question is simply no. Well, contrary to what some people think, you cannot stop being who you are or suddenly take the girl out of you, as it is there for life. Yes you can hide it for a while but it will come back sooner or later! Anything else and you are kidding yourself. So yes, I come out and play in the future but only when it is definite arrangements to be made, not provisional or half hearted attempts as I do not have time! 

Well that is enough written for now and hopefully between now and Christmas / New Year, I hopefully get out at least two / three occasions, fingers cross! 


Monday 25 July 2022

July 2022 - Delayed outings and a new look?

Well I had plans to write another entry shortly after the last one was uploaded but somewhere along the road, I got sidetracked and anything I had in mind to write is now history and probably not relevant either. 

I did have plans to go out during June but home / personal events over took those plans sadly including a 2/3 week period were I picked up a non Covid virus from somewhere which included a very irratating tickly cough. Yes definity not was Covid as I have been tested but are the tests accurate though? Anyway, I much better now although still not 100% but then again at this stage of my life, probably never be 100% I suppose.  

Over recent months, I have manage to keep in contact with some friends including a new one who I came across online in March.  However, one girl whose name I will mention called Stella from Southport now falls into the category of ‘timewaster’ although I accept she is geniune, does go out and dresses nicely too. Due to Covid, I had come across a handful of girls who I communicated with and the idea was to eventually meet when things got better but as we realised that took two years. With Stella, we had regular communications, exchange images, seem to have things in common and also being local too, that at end of last year, thoughts were finally thinking of arranging  a meet. Thinking we were heading in the right direction, I had sent a message to her at end of January with common thoughts of a March meet! What happens afterwards, remains a mystery as I have had no response from her what so ever although I have followed my original message on two occasions but still no reply. My last message in April, Stella has avoided to open although she still visits a particular forum in question and is on there regulary, may be her profile is partially untrue? I know I have not said anything out of turn etc but cannot for the life of me think why she has done this. If she ever reads this, although unlikely, may be you take common courtesy and give me an explanation because it is extremely rude and most of all wasted my time. I think I deserve an apology but no doubt one will never be forthcoming. 

Anyway, we move on with something far more positive and there are geniune girls out there to become friends and one of whom called Janine I commence communication in March which ultimately led to us meeting at Sparkle. Although she does not live locally, it became clear with had things in common and hit it off more or less straight away. As many of us girls know, attempting to meet a new person is potentially fraut with many problems but in this instance, I knew enough that Janine was geniune and hoping she thought the same with me. Anyway, after a little encouragment, she decided to come to Sparkle for the first time and I would be her guide for the weekend. More of the Sparkle weekend in my next blog entry. 

I still continue to sell some of my clothes on Ebay, the amount of clothes are getting smaller and my bank balance is slowly increasing. However, I must admit I think some items are just not meant to sell so may be a donation to the local charity shop but for now, I will continue and see how things go come Autumn. By then, probably have more items to sell. In the meantime, I have purchase a couple of summer dresses with also Sparkle in mind, as well as a couple more box pleat type skirts too. Ah, you may wonder what the latter purchase is all about. Well, about nine months ago, I decided as I was now a pensioner, that I am going to gradually change my dress style to what some would suggest as Aunty / Granny style to take account of my age. I tried the look late last year in private, to see if it worked as well if it appealed to me too! Yes, it worked and I like the look which is based on a couple of my Aunties were they dressed with traditional blouse / cardigan complete with box pleat skirts. The latter skirts being knee or calf length has always been a fetish of mine as I love the style of them and especially when dressed with traditional 50’s / 60’s underwear and yes stockings too. However, I will make a gradual approach to this ‘new’ look as I now have the choice of clothes to acheive this mature appearance and just may be my first outing be made next month, sort of a test? It will interesting to see what the reaction will be!  Regardless, ceratinly for the time being, I will continue with the KD look as some girls call it and wear what is appropriate for where I going and who I am meeting.


Saturday 11 June 2022

June 2022 - Finally back out once again!

Three months since last entry and the world continues to change and affecting everyone’s lives in one way or another but at least now ‘Covid19’ although it will never go away, is finally taking a back seat and mixing with people without the need of masks and distancing is once again almost the normal. At least that is a positive step forward but one of the few in the current climate. 

The world as we know is changing again all because of a handful of individuals who seem to know better than others but the fact of the matter they are just idiots, thick as two short planks, escaped from the aylsum and clearly they include Putin and Boris Johnson who is just a fool, untrustworthy and a lier! Anyway. enough of that! 

For me, the last couple of months has seen a vast improvement compared with the previous two years. Yes I have finally manage to get out once again and it could not come soon enough! Beginning of April, I met up unexpectantly with Angela, a girl from Knutsford and a nice evening was had but more importantly it was finally nice to get ready and get out again. However, the getting ready part took two days as I needed to shave so that was done the day before, strangely feeling better for it too. Then getting ready was to select an outfit but finally got there with a skirt and top! Although I had faith in myself in going out again, I had lacked a bit of confidence but something that will come back in time was my thought. Regardless the feeling afterwards from the outing was one of relief and needed to do it again.

Two weeks later, I had arranged to meet up with Carole who I had last seen in September last year but on this occasion we agreed to meet in the Village, Manchester being sort of half way point between us. We met to late afternoon and had tea at the Richmond Tea Rooms which had moved since I last visited the Village, some two and half years ago! What other changes would there be? The reason for the early meeting time as Carole had work the following day so no late night stay up as such. However, I had already got out of practice of having late nights and I must admit the thought of late night after midnight is not something I fancied anyway! Being a little older, I am not sure my body, let alone brain would entertain the idea. Having selected a straight everyday dress for my outfit, Carole and I had a good time, lovely food at Richmond Tea Rooms, visited a couple of bars including Oscars which Carole had never been before. Unknown to us there was entertainment in the form of darg queen singer ‘Vivenne’ and we ended up staying there longer than anticipated mainly because ’Vivenne’ was a very good singer and kept us entertained. We eventually called it a night at 22.30hrs and ended home, well we had been out for over six hours already! As for the Village, there were people about, a few changes including new buildings on what was waste land as well as significant increase in car park charges too! Most of the bars / clubs were still there from 2019 but still 2/3 empty locations as well as the demise of Napoleans too. 

Unfortunately, I only manage to get out once in May but never the less I got out. Met up with Carole in the Village again, but this time on a Wednesday which was the traditional night at the Village for girls like us. Again we went to the Richmond Tea Rooms for tea at 17.00hrs and most enjoyable food too. After that headed to the Molly House as we were aware that other girls were meeting there and eventually there was about 15 or so girls, just like old times in the Village. Carole and I manage to chat some of the girls include Sarah and Sally. Afterwards we all headed for Oscars but the time had come to go home. As mentioned previously, late nights are just not quite in me again and Carole was working following morning. So once again, a good night was had  and now getting back into the swing of things once again. 

Well that is enough for this entry, although I have more to write but that become my next blog entry in due course. For now I will look forward to my next outing later this month.