Friday 20 September 2024

September 2024 - It has been some time!

As the title of the entry confirms, it has been some time since I made an entry in my blog! In fact almost eleven months which is unusual for me but on the other hand, not much to write about to warrant a frequent entry, so here we are! 

So what has been going on in KD’s life, well simply not much with only three outings during that time! I manage to get out just before Christmas last year, met Carole for a pleasant evening which included a nice meal in Browns, Manchester City Centre, before we headed to the Village for some festive activities. It was an enjoyable evening but not realising it would be my last one for seven months, which was not expected.

Due to a number of personal (health) issues and a long with a change of circumstances for a member of my family, my opportunities to get out was almost nil as no chance of getting ready at home, let alone attempting to get back into the house too. However, the situation was I thought a ‘temporary’ period before things would change again but as time went on, it was not going to be. Now I realised that getting ready at home, is now almost impossible for the foreseeable future, so my only chance now is to pre book a hotel room for an evening out but that involves a cost, so it cannot be too often sadly. 

I mention ‘health’ issues were earlier in the year, were hospital appointments were monthly and not including two visits to A&E too. Currently I have two issues, one is more restrictive than the other but that should be solved with a simple operation in the next six months. My other issue is more long term but currently manageable with the aid of medication and restricting what food I am able to consume. My ‘meals’ are now really interesting (not)! Certainly, getting older is not getting any easier with safely suggesting the continued good days are in the past! Moral of the story, make the most of the good days in the future, as they will be intermixed with in between and bad days.

So returning to KD matters, in the light of change of circumstances, I have made a more conscious  effort to reduce the size of my wardrobe which so far has been reduced by about 40% thankfully. I still have about another 10% / 20% to dispose one way or another. On the positive side, my wardrobe is now in ‘our’ bedroom instead of being in another bedroom so now creating more space. My outfits now consist of more dresses with a selection of leather / faux leather skirts mixed with tops which will do for the amount of outings I may have but still gives me a selection choice. However, there has been an unexpected but humorous story about disposing of some of my clothes, that over the last 12 months, my dear wife M.R. has been on a diet with the intention of improving her life style and health, were she is now a Size 16! Just by co-incidence, my size too!  The consequence of this that a handful of my dresses and some tops have now been transferred to M.R. as she liked them! Likewise, she has now worn some of them and it seems amusing on my part, that my wife is now wearing some of my clothes with the comment that I worn that dress too!  :-)))) 

As for contact with other girls, it currently remains at just the two being Carole and Christine with a couple of others in the background. As for any others, in some instances, their choice for no contact but not my problem though, with other girls they are I’m afraid just history. I am still look in on a couple of forums but making contact with anyone on them, is either a waste of time or just too much hard work. However, the forums have their uses for some useful information about venues and future events. 

Mentioning events, my first outing of the year was to the Friday evening of the Sparkle weekend in July. This was unexpected and until three days before hand, there was no chance of going. However, with a little change of home circumstances it became apparent I may be able to get out on the Friday with Carole providing I could find a hotel room for the night! Mission impossible being Sparkle weekend but much to my surprise, found one at a very reasonable price at the Pendulum, must of been a cancelation or something but it was mine! Arrangements were made and a meal booked at Browns in the City Centre too. Anyway, it was nice to get out finally and an enjoyable fun evening was had with Carole! I have always thought that the Friday evening at Sparkle is the best night to be there, it remains so and also nice to catch up with Carole again, as well as meeting other girls too. Eventually got back to the Hotel room at 2am which hit me later in the day being tired still. Just proved to me, I could not do two night / weekend at Sparkle, just too much. Regardless, it had been far too long since I had been out but when would be the next outing though?

As for my next and second outing of the year was just two days ago when another unexpected but last minute opportunity arrived as at 5.30pm, a family member would not be at home until the next day and with M.R.’s blessing I made the decision to go to the Village as I knew there were some girls going who I could meet up with. Finally, got ready (leather skirt / leopard print top) and departed for the Village at 8pm which was quick for me and finally arrived at the Iconic Bar at 9pm were the girls were located. Unusually most of Canal Street was blocked off with some venues unaccessible such as Via due to some ‘filming’ taking place! No one had any idea what the filming was about but the area was simply closed to outsiders! Anyway an enjoyable evening was had, nice to see some of the girls too, as well as a couple (TGirl Stephanie, and wife Deanna) and a friend from the West Country who especially visited the Village for two nights. It was my pleasure chatting with these people, especially as it was only the second time that Stephanie had been out with full support of the wife. To be honest for a number of reason, Deanna is one hell of a lady in the nicest way possible, she is just a remarkable person and sincerely hope we meet again, as it would be my pleasure to do so. Yes, we exchanged contact details so who knows but fingers cross. Anyway, it was great to be out again and eventually arrived home at 2am. 

My thoughts are now on my next outing which provisionally booked for Wednesday, 16th October with hotel room booked in Manchester and finally meeting Christine as Christine. Hopefully all comes together, so fingers cross but something to look forward too which I have not had that feeling for some time. 

Well, that brings thing up to date on my blog but to be honest, will this be my final entry after nearly twenty years as I cannot imagine I have much to write about in the future? One way or another, my entries to this blog are definitely now on borrowed time. In the meantime, just in case anyone still reading my entries, thank you for sticking with me and I wish you sincere good wishes for the future.