Thursday 20 April 2023

April 2023 - It has been a while - Part One

It has been a few months since my last update, in fact it was last year, almost five months ago. Strangely it has not been done on purpose, just how life seems to be these days, that there are numerous things keeping me occupied and busy. Why? A simple one word - retirement! Yes, since finishing work over 15 months ago, bit by bit there has been a change of priorities regarding my life and being KD is further down that list than it has ever been. More of this later.

First, may I wish everyone a very belated happy new year and hopefully at least it has good so far, if not hopefully it improves soon. So I best to bring 2022 up to date and how the year ended. I manage to get out twice before the year was out, once in late November with my friend Carole, a nice meet and catch up, then again on the last Saturday before Christmas with Carla and friends as initially there was going to be about ten girls going but in the end just four! Does that sound familiar I wonder. We went to the Village and for Christmas Saturday, it was like a Friday evening during the year for the amount of people that were out. Regardless it was a good enjoyable night out and my thanks to Carla for the additional make-up touches too. So that was good end to the year and I was wondering what 2023 had in store for me. 

January came and went as far as girly things was concerned but did manage two outings in February, meeting Carole on both occasions for a cheap meal and good social evening, once again in the Village, Manchester. Both evenings enjoyable with also meeting other girls too. It seems Wednesday evening are becoming slowly more popular which is a good thing and hopefully it continues too. I did have ‘plans’ to get out again during March and during April, again meet up with Carole and also another girl but other things seem to get in the way. However, I did firm up arrangements to go out with Carole to a Burlesque evening at the Richmond Tea Rooms in May, as well as making plans to go to Leeds First Friday in October, so at least something to look forward too and I am too. However, making these arrangements as well as other proposed meets never seem to get off the ground with other girls, has got me thinking about my life in general and were really does KD fit into it? 

Well, this goes back what I mentioned at the beginning, there has been a change of priorities since retirement and the one thing it teaches you, live for the day and make the most of it too as you never know what may happen shortly. Now making the most of it for me, involves M.R. for obvious reasons as we have now been together for 50 years and we still love each other’s company, so that is priority number one. Likewise, there are other things in my ‘Bob’ life I enjoy and wish to do more of while I am able too, so it is now become trying to fit everything in too. Also, there has been a small change at home too and we now have another four legged animal to keep us occupied and that is very nice, especially we thought we would never get another one after he went to Rainbow Bridge 20 months ago. However, we both realised, now that we are getting into retirement, we were missing some thing in our lives and our new member of the family confirmed that! Added to this, after a visit to the Doctor, I was ‘invited’ take up a gym fitness regime which I accepted and is beginning to have a positive effect on my health. So this has got my thinking were does KD fit into this and simply she almost does not! Wow, I was never expecting to come to that conclusion! 

I have always mentioned in the past, once a TGirl always a TGirl, it never leaves you so best not to fight that part in your own mind, as you will just lose the battle in the end. As it seemed that I was beginning to let KD go, I began to think were does she fit in my retirement anyway. For a few weeks I have been wondering what to do or may be how to resolve the matter and cutting a long story short, I have concluded to go out as KD on special occasions only which means a handful of prearranged events per year and leave it at that. I realise, I am in no position these days to wait around or arrange hopeful meets with other girls as I really do have other things I wish to do therefore not wasting any more time in arranging possible girly meets then they don’t happen. Simply time is not on my side anymore. So this is were the Burlesque and LFF outings come into play, preplanned, arranged and something to look forward too with getting on with my life in the meantime. Yay, sorted! 

Well I have more to write but that will come in Part Two of this long entry, hopefully soon.